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October 18, 2017

Work 3 days...

McConnell to hold Senate in session for longer workweeks


Mitch McConnell is putting an end to the Senate’s light schedule.

The Senate majority leader is preparing to hold the chamber in session for more rigorous workweeks, including Fridays and possibly even weekends, according to two sources familiar with the matter. The Senate GOP discussed a more aggressive schedule at Tuesday’s party lunch and the majority of the conference agreed.

The Senate has come under criticisms from conservatives for its light workweeks, typically spanning from Monday evening to early Thursday afternoon. But without buy-in from his members, it’s been difficult to hold the chamber in open longer without facing the possibility of attendance problems and failed votes.

But that’s about to change so the Senate can overcome Democratic delays and confirm more judges, President Donald Trump’s executive branch nominees and legislation, GOP sources said. This week’s schedule is likely to bleed into Friday to complete the budget, and Republicans expect the trend to continue deep into the fall.

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