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October 16, 2017


Trump: Schumer flip-flopped on Iran deal 'now that I am involved'


President Donald Trump on Monday called out Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s past opposition to the Iran nuclear deal, suggesting that the senator’s newfound support for the agreement is rooted only in his opposition to the president.

“Dem Senator Schumer hated the Iran deal made by President Obama, but now that I am involved, he is OK with it. Tell that to Israel, Chuck!” Trump wrote online Monday morning. Trump's post follows the president’s decision last Friday to decertify Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal, giving Congress 60 days to decide whether or not to reimpose sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Schumer (D-N.Y.) opposed the Iran deal when it was first negotiated, joining with a handful of other Democrats in breaking with then-President Barack Obama’s administration, which negotiated the deal along with the four other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and Germany.

But Schumer has warmed to the deal of late, telling The New York Post on Sunday that “I had a great deal of misgivings about the Iran nuclear deal. I voted against it but now we ought to see, give it time to work.” Trump’s decision to decertify Iranian compliance with the deal has prompted harsh criticism from Democrats and from leaders in Europe.

Some Republicans, too, have been wary of Trump’s decision to decertify the nuclear deal, including House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), who said last week that the agreement should remain in place and that the U.S. should “enforce the hell out of it.”

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