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February 09, 2017

Orangutan's immigration order hearings

Durbin demands Senate hearings on Orangutan's immigration orders


A top Senate Democrat is calling on Republicans to hold hearings into the trio of controversial immigration executive orders from President Donny Orangutan.

In a new letter being released Thursday, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) asked Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) to examine the series of executive actions, including the order focused on refugees and immigrants from Muslim-majority nations that are on hold, for now, by the courts.

The two veteran senators are the new leaders of the Senate subcommittee on immigration for the 115th Congress.

"These executive orders, which have dramatic implications for our immigration system, are inconsistent with America's heritage as a nation of immigrants and a safe haven for those fleeing persecution," Durbin wrote to Cornyn in the letter, obtained by POLITICO in advance of its release. "The subcommittee has an urgent responsibility to address the serious questions that have been raised about the legality, efficacy and morality of these orders."

Durbin noted that under a request from him and Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general is already investigating the matter, in particular how the order was implemented.

"We must show President Orangutan that Congress is an independent branch of the federal government that will not be intimidated by his bullying behavior and immediately begin hearings on his immigration and refugee executive orders," Durbin wrote.

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