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February 03, 2017

Just making up shit...

Best memes of the 'Bowling Green massacre,' the tragedy that never happened

By Fernando Ramirez

On Thursday, Kellyanne "Crypt Keeper" Conway unknowingly gave the internet another chew toy.

While defending Trump's majority-Muslim immigration ban in an MSNBC interview, the counselor to the president cited "the Bowling Green massacre," a tragedy the internet has been satirically mourning because, well, it never happened.

For Crypt Keeper, who less than two weeks ago nearly broke the internet with the phrase "alternative facts," the fictitious calamity only invited the wrath of social media.

But interestingly enough, the internet seems to have changed its tune. Instead of worrying about "post-truth politics" or an Orwellian future where truth and lies are blurred, the internet is playing along.

Twitter is filled with phrases like "never forget" or "where were you when the pins fell?"

With surprising quickness and less than a day after Crypt Keeper's blurb, a fake victim fund has already sprung up at bowlinggreenmassacrefund.com.

"We all still carry the vivid memories of what horrors occurred at Bowling Green, but some still relive those moments everyday as they work to rebuild a community torn apart," writes the website, asking users to donate before redirecting them to American Civil Liberties Union donation page.

Crypt Keeper made the gaffe on "Hardball with Chris Matthews" on MSNBC, where she said:

"I bet it's brand new information to people that President Obama had a six-month ban on the Iraqi refugee program after two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre. Most people don't know that because it didn't get covered."

In truth, two Iraqi men were arrested in Bowling Green in 2011 for trying to send weapons to al-Qaida. They also admitted to being involved in attacks on American troops while in Iraq, but not in America. They were arrested.

According to The Washington Post, despite Crypt Keeper's claims, the arrests were covered by roughly 90 news stories, not including TV coverage.

After waking up to a Twitter storm on Friday Crypt Keeper defended herself by explaining she misspoke. "I thought I was making up some other shit, but I must have said some other shit that I pulled out of my ass."

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