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My simple blog of pictures of travel, friends, activities and the Universe we live in as we go slowly around the Sun.

September 23, 2024

Talk is cheep...

Netanyahu says Israel is at war with Hezbollah, not the people of Lebanon 

From Tamar Michaelis and CNN's Vasco Cotovio

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the people of Lebanon that his country is not at war with them, but with Hezbollah.  

“I have a message for the people of Lebanon: Israel’s war is not with you,” Netanyahu said during a televised speech on Monday. “It’s with Hezbollah.” 

The Israeli prime minister called on the Lebanese people to “get out of harm’s way” while it targets Hezbollah positions.  

“For too long, Hezbollah has been using you as human shields. It placed rockets in your living rooms and missiles in your garage. Those rockets and missiles are aimed directly at our cities, directly at our citizens,” Netanyahu said.

He said Israel has to take out those weapons “to defend our people against Hezbollah strikes.”

“I urge you – take this warning seriously,” the Israeli prime minister said, “Please, get out of harm’s way now. Once our operation is finished, you can come back safely to your homes.”

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