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July 10, 2018

Pardons outlaw ranchers

Trump pardons ranchers whose case sparked Bundy takeover of Oregon refuge

By Elizabeth Landers

President Donald Trump pardoned two men on Tuesday who were involved in a dispute with federal authorities over federal land usage that sparked the takeover of a wildlife refuge in Oregon.

Dwight Hammond Jr. and his son Steven Hammond were granted executive grants of clemency by Trump, according to a White House statement. The father-son duo are cattle ranchers and were convicted in 2012 of committing arson on federal lands in Oregon.

"Justice is overdue for Dwight and Steven Hammond, both of whom are entirely deserving of these Grants of Executive Clemency," the statement read.

The Trump White House took aim at the Obama administration as well, adding that it filed an "overzealous appeal" that led to the two men's five-year prison sentence: "This was unjust."

Dwight Hammond has served approximately three years in prison, and his son Steven has served four years, according to the White House.

The Hammonds said they started a fire on their property in 2001 to protect it from wildfires and reduce the growth of invasive plants, but that the fire got out of hand, CNN affiliate KTVZ reported. Prosecutors said in 2016 they set fires to cover up evidence of poaching.

"The jury convicted both of the Hammonds of using fire to destroy federal property for a 2001 arson known as the Hardie-Hammond fire, located in the Steens Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection Area," Department of Justice said in a statement in January 2016.

The perceived unjust sentence for the Hammonds inspired Ammon Bundy to lead an armed standoff in early 2016, when a group of armed men broke into the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.

At the time, Bundy told CNN that he wanted the federal government to relinquish control of the wildlife refuge so "people can reclaim their resources." He also wanted an easier sentence for Dwight and Steven Hammond, who had both previously rejected his assistance.

The occupation resulted in the death of one man, LaVoy Fincicum, who was shot and killed by Oregon State Police troopers when he drove his truck at a roadblock while trying to escape the refuge. Bundy was also arrested in a different vehicle that peacefully surrendered to police.

The standoff lasted 41 days until the last holdout inside the refuge surrendered in February 2016

(Most land west of the Mississippi River was acquired by the US Federal Government through Treaty or Sale, prior to any State or Territory being designated. The US Federal Government created Territory governments and eventually allowed State hood. In order to become a State and join the Union, the State had to agree to terms of Statehood. One of those was that the Federal Government maintained control of Lands designated as Public and the State would have to abide by the Federal laws. At no time did the States ever have control or did the people living in the surrounding area. The idea of taking the land for private use is a violation of Federal Law. These stupid red-necks think since they live in the area, they have absolute right to take the land and use it for their own benefit. This is theft. Pardoning these idiots just opens up more theft and destruction. They need to be in jail, they broke the law. Period.)

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