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May 24, 2018

GOP scrambles

GOP scrambles to quell immigration revolt

To delay a showdown, Republican leaders plan a special meeting on June 7, the deadline for a so-called discharge petition.


Speaker Paul Ryan’s last-ditch effort to stop Republican moderates from forcing votes on immigration proposals is running smack into a familiar roadblock: conservative opposition to a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers.

The Wisconsin Republican and his top lieutenants have been playing shuttle diplomacy between conservatives who oppose any vote on a bipartisan solution for Dreamers, and moderates who are demanding one. Leaders of the factions will convene Thursday morning to continue talks in hopes of coming to an agreement that would stop a discharge petition filed by moderate Republicans and Democrats.

Conservatives have resisted allowing moderates to vote on a bill that includes what they call a "special pathway" to citizenship for young undocumented immigrants who came here as kids — just as they had in past negotiations with House Republicans. They’ve adopted that stand even though President Donald Trump himself backed a plan to give more than 1.8 million Dreamers a path to citizenship.

"I don’t think we can go with that," said Freedom Caucus member Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) when asked about the prospect of citizenship for Dreamers. "What we have to go for is something that’s consistent with the mandate of the [2016] election, and I don’t think that was consistent with the mandate of the election."

Moderates, however, have said repeatedly that any agreement must include a vote on a bill that includes a pathway to citizenship if they’re going to back away from their discharge petition push. GOP leaders and conservatives are desperate to avoid a showdown that would allow moderate Republicans and Democrats to team up to force the House to vote on a compromise immigration plan.

"For us, it’s important that immigrants brought here as children — the victims of the immigration system — have a bridge into the legal immigration system," said Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida, a discharge petition leader who has been at the negotiating table with Jordan.

It‘s unclear whether conservatives will relent on the issue. Moderates expect an answer Thursday morning.

Under a potential deal being discussed, members representing the far right would get a vote on their conservative solution for Dreamers that doesn't include a pathway to citizenship. Moderates would get a vote on their own bill that does.

But conservatives aren't sure they can live with that. They fear that even without their votes, a bipartisan plan with citizenship would pass the House with Democratic support and be an embarrassing display for Republicans who control the chamber.

Moderates argue that they're not looking for anything "special" for Dreamers, contrary to what conservatives have said. Rep. Jeff Denham (R-Calif.), one petition leader, said under their proposals, Dreamers would have to go through 12 years of intensive scrutiny to qualify for citizenship. First, a Dreamer would have to apply and qualify for a five-year temporary visa with a background check, as well of proof of employment, college enrollment or military service.

Then, the person would have to renew that status for another five years before applying for a two-year legal permanent residence. Only after that could they try for citizenship.

Asked whether he considered proposals like this a "special pathway," Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows said, "I don't know" and suggested he'd need more details.

Other conservatives involved in the negotiations seemed more hesitant. Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania argued that the conservatives' bill, which includes a three-year extension of deferred deportation status for Dreamers, was enough. Under that process, Dreamers would likely have to return to their home country before they could apply for citizenship or marry a citizen to stay — which moderates say is not a viable option.

Time is running out to stop the discharge petition. Another Republican, Rep. Erik Paulsen of Minnesota, joined the moderates signing on to the petition on Wednesday morning. That means moderates are only four votes shy of forcing the votes.

At the same time, several Republicans are waiting in the wings to join the rebellion. If conservatives and moderates don’t come to an agreement before lawmakers leave town for the Memorial Day recess, Reps. Tom Reed of New York said he will sign the petition. Rep. Dennis Ross of Florida said he is also considering signing on, as is a third GOP lawmaker who has not identified himself or herself.

GOP leaders have tried to buy themselves more time. On Wednesday afternoon, they announced a special meeting to discuss the issue on June 7 — the deadline to garner the needed 218 petition signatures if moderates want to force a vote in June. They're hoping that date will hold off the final discharge petition backer.

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