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September 08, 2016

Master Plan???

Trump Lays Out His Master Plan To 'Take The Oil' From Iraq

By Tierney Sneed

To the victor goes the oil!

That was the theme of Donald Trump's master plan for how he would keep the Middle East from reigniting after he swiftly dispatches the Islamic State as president.

Asked at the NBC News' Commander-In-Chief forum about he planned to keep the Islamic State out of Iraq once he defeated them, Trump returned to his oft-recited call for the U.S. to "take the oil" from Iraq, and even offered a few details how he would go about it as President.

"If we had taken the oil, you wouldn't have ISIS. ISIS formed with the power and wealth of that oil," Trump claimed.

Pressed to explained exactly how the U.S. should take the oil, Trump said, "You would leave a certain group behind and take various sections where they have the oil."

He suggested that people didn't know that Iraq had a large oil reserve, and that the U.S. "got nothing" after losing thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.

"It used to be, 'To the victor belong the spoils.' Now, there was no victor there, believe me, there was no victor. But I always said, take the oil," Trump said. "One of the benefits we would have had, if we took the oil, ISIS would not have been able to take oil and use that oil to fuel themselves."

“Pressed to explained exactly how the US should take the oil, Trump said, ‘You would leave a certain group behind and take various sections where they have the oil.'” And then what?

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