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April 15, 2015

Lifetime Ban

Rep. Rod Blum Introduces Lifetime Ban On Lobbying for Members of Congress

Rep. Blum Continues Efforts to Reform Congress with First Bill

Today Congressman Rod Blum (R-IA) introduced his first bill, H.R.1740, the No Golden Parachutes for Public Service Act.  This legislation would prohibit Members of Congress from ever engaging in lobbying activities after they leave office.

“I firmly believe that the privilege of serving your constituents should be reward enough for Members of Congress,” said Blum. “This bill would finally close the revolving door between Congress and special interest groups, restoring integrity to our political system and ensuring that politicians focus on representing their constituents instead of catering to lobbying groups who offer a lucrative post-electoral career.”

“Since my election, I’ve followed through on my campaign promise to be a different kind of Member of Congress. I am backing legislation that reforms Congress by eliminating luxury travel perks, enacting term limits, freezing salaries, and cutting cadillac pension plans for politicians,” Blum continued. “This lifetime ban on lobbying is another step in that effort to make Congress more accountable to the people by reducing the incentive for our elected officials to use their position for their own personal gain.”

This bill will affect Members that leave office after enactment. Congressman Blum will continue to pursue an agenda that reforms Congress and returns power to the people, not career politicians.

Rod Blum is the Republican Congressman in Iowa’s 1st District. He is a member of the Budget and Oversight & Government Reform Committees.

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