WITH the early stages of the 2016 presidential campaign underway and millions of
Americans still hurting financially, both parties are looking for ways to
address wage stagnation. That’s the good news. The bad news is that both parties
are offering tax cuts as a solution. What has hurt workers’ paychecks is not
what the government takes out, but what their employers no longer put in — a
dynamic that tax cuts cannot eliminate.
Wage stagnation is a decades-long phenomenon.
Between 1979 and 2014, while the gross domestic product grew 150 percent and
productivity grew 75 percent, the inflation-adjusted hourly wage of the median
worker rose just 5.6 percent — less than 0.2 percent a year. And since 2002, the
bottom 80 percent of wage earners, including both male and female college
graduates, have actually seen their wages stagnate or fall.
At the same time, taxation does not explain
why middle-income families are having a harder time making ends meet, even as
they increase their education and become ever more productive.
According to the
latest Congressional Budget Office data, the middle 60 percent of families paid
just 3.2 percent of their income in federal income taxes in 2011, less than half
what they paid in 1979.
Yes, a one-time reduction in taxes through,
say, expanded child care credits or a secondary earner tax break, as Democrats
propose, could help families. But as wages continue to stagnate, it is
impossible to continuously cut taxes and still pay for things like education and
social programs for the growing population of older Americans.
Republican tax proposals, like the
reforms put forward by Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, focus on
lowering individual and corporate tax rates alongside revenue-saving efforts to
simplify the tax code. But this same approach has been tried for decades — the
same decades in which wages have continued to stagnate. Instead, these cuts have
helped corporations, shareholders and the top 1 percent capture a larger share
of economic growth.
Similarly, President George W. Bush’s 2001 and
2003 tax cuts, which likewise promised to increase middle-class income, were
followed by slower productivity and wage stagnation. The latest proposed
Republican cuts won’t even provide much short-term relief, as they tend to be
targeted at the highest-income households. For example, under a much-touted proposal
by Representative Dave Camp of Michigan, the middle fifth would gain just $279
in tax relief a year, according to the Tax Policy Center, while the top 0.1
percent would garner the largest rate cut, valued at $248,000.
Obtaining better economic growth, another goal
of these cuts, is certainly worthwhile, but it establishes only the potential
for broad-based wage growth — it’s no guarantee. Again, we have seen plenty of
growth since 1979, but this expansion has not “trickled down” to middle-wage
The challenge is to ensure that a typical
worker’s wages grow along with profits and productivity. There is no silver
bullet, but the key is to make raising wages the central focus of economic
policy making and to reverse decades of decisions that have undercut wage
We need to start with monetary policy. In the
next few years, the most important decisions being made about wages are those of
the Federal Reserve Board as it determines the scale and pace at which it raises
interest rates — and thereby slows job growth. Before raising rates, it is
essential we achieve a robust recovery, with roughly 3.5 to 4 percent annual
wage growth. This will ensure that wage growth matches productivity growth and
that everyone can benefit from the rebounding economy.Another short- to medium-term policy decision
affecting wage growth is to avoid trade deals, such as the proposed
Trans-Pacific Partnership, that would further erode Americans’ wages and send
jobs overseas.
And there are several things we can do to
bolster the labor standards and institutions that support wage growth. Raising
the minimum wage to $12.50 an hour by 2020 would ensure that the minimum wage
equals more than half the average wage, as it did in the late 1960s. And it has
been too long since we have raised the salary threshold for overtime pay;
raising it to $50,000, so that anyone making below that would get overtime,
would move us closer to what prevailed in the 1970s, when about two-thirds of
salaried workers received overtime pay.
Protecting and expanding workers’ right to
unionize and bargain collectively is also essential; the erosion of collective
bargaining is the single largest factor suppressing wage growth for middle-wage
workers over the last few decades. And we need to modernize our New Deal-era
labor standards to include earned sick leave and paid family leave so workers
can balance work and family.
Finally, stronger laws and enforcement to
deter and remedy wage theft and the illegal treatment of employees as
independent contractors could put tens of billions of dollars into workers’
Contrary to conventional wisdom, wage
stagnation is not a result of forces beyond our control. It is a result of a
policy regime that has undercut the individual and collective bargaining power
of most workers. Because wage stagnation was caused by policy, it can be
reversed by policy, too.
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