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August 23, 2019

Those wacky Republicans...

GSA official had sex with White House staffer on roof of agency's HQ, watchdog report says

By Aileen Graef

A former top-ranking General Services Administration manager admitted to having sex on the roof of the agency's headquarters building and drinking alcohol in the office, according to an inspector general report made public this week.

Brennan Hart, a former associate administrator and acting chief of staff at the GSA, admitted to GSA Inspector General investigators that in the summer of 2017, he had sexual relations with an official from the White House on the roof of the building.

Hart said he made the unidentified White House staffer and himself drinks with vodka he kept in his office and they had sexual activity that began in administrative suite area and ended with oral sex on the rooftop of the building. The name of the White House staffer was redacted in the report released by the GSA. Hart also acknowledged drinking alcohol in the building, but only after business hours.

Investigators attempted to interview the White House staffer but they declined to be interviewed, saying any such interview would need to be approved by the White House counsel, according to the report. The staffer never contacted the agents to follow up, the report states.

Hart did not immediately respond to a voicemail from CNN on Thursday afternoon. His employment with GSA ended days after the report was made in March 2018, according to the agency.

The investigation was first reported by WRC in Washington, DC, which obtained the report via FOIA.

Investigators concluded he violated government policies on alcoholic beverages and use of government facilities.

"An employee has a duty to not allow the use of Government property for anything other than authorized purposes," the report states. "Having sex in the central office building is not an authorized purpose for use by the public. Further, there is no law or GSA regulation that allows an employee to have sex in the building."

The case was not referred for prosecution but the report does not specify a reason for that decision.

GSA Administrator Emily Murphy told investigators she often permitted her immediate staff to consume alcohol after business hours on Fridays, but was not aware of the formal process for approving drinking in the office.

When asked about the report, a GSA spokesperson said in a statement to CNN: "GSA holds all employees to the highest ethical standards and takes appropriate actions to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. In addition to required training for federal employees, GSA holds mandatory monthly ethics trainings for GSA political appointees. GSA does not tolerate inappropriate use of alcohol in the workplace or any violation of government regulations regarding alcohol. Further, GSA does not tolerate the misuse of government property by any GSA employee. Mr. Hart's last day of employment with GSA was March 12, 2018, and the agency is unable to further comment on Mr. Hart's employment."

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