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January 26, 2018

Ignores questions...

Trump ignores questions about 'shithole countries' during meeting with Rwandan president


President Donald Trump ignored questions about his alleged “shithole countries” comment during a meeting with the Rwandan president on Friday, saying instead that the United States has “great relationships” with the African nation.

“We have trade with Rwanda. And just generally I would say great relationships,” Trump said while sitting next to Rwandan President Paul Kagame at the economic forum at Davos, Switzerland.

Trump also praised Kagame for being named the new head of the African Union, which had previously called on Trump to apologize for his alleged “shithole countries" comment.

But, according to a pool report, Trump ignored shouted questions about the comment when asked during the meeting.

Earlier in January, Trump reportedly questioned why the United States accepted immigrants from “shithole countries” during a meeting with bipartisan lawmakers to discuss immigration reform. At the time he made the comments, lawmakers were telling the president how some African immigrants could access visas under a lottery proposal.

Some Republican lawmakers said publicly that Trump didn’t say the phrase and the president himself appeared to deny making the remark.

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