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January 11, 2018

Do we even try to fucking believe their shit anymore???

After Trump tweets about Clinton, Conway says ‘no one’ at White House talks about her


Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway told Fox News on Thursday that “no one at the White House talks about Hillary Clinton," even though President Donald Trump tweeted about “Crooked Hillary” emails earlier the same morning.

“Things happen here every single day,” Conway said. “And yet people are stuck in last year’s election and about that woman who will never be president. ... No one at the White House talks about Hillary Clinton. Only when we’re forced to, and only with the requisite eye rolls.”

The president had brought up his former Democratic rival earlier Thursday, tweeting at the Fox News show "Fox & Friends": "Did Dems or Clinton also pay Russians? Where are hidden and smashed DNC servers? Where are Crooked Hillary Emails? What a mess!"

Trump also mentioned Clinton a day earlier at a news conference with the Norwegian prime minister, pivoting from a question about whether he would sit for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller to discuss the former secretary of state's 2016 meeting with the FBI over a private email system she used while in office.

But Conway insisted on Thursday that White House officials rarely discuss Trump's ex-rival.

“I know people love to talk about how we’re so obsessed with Hillary Clinton here,” Conway added. “The fact is, we only have to talk about her because people won’t let go of an election that she lost miserably, and she’s going to be an ungracious loser.”

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