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April 16, 2015

Stupid is as Stupid says...

Ted Cruz Reveals He Has No Idea What Taxes Are For — Or That They Pay His Salary 


Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) took it upon himself to make some Tax Day remarks. Too bad he doesn’t seem to realize a whole heck of a lot about them.

Tweet: "Anyone else feel like this today? Imagine instead, we Abolish The IRS & have a simple flat tax"

Abolish the IRS and set up a flat tax? Who’s going to collect and process this “flat tax”? You, Cruz? Or maybe a service already designed to do just that, an Internal Revenue Service.

Besides, a “flat tax” is extremely regressive and screws over middle class and lower-income Americans and basically only allows the very wealthy to be even wealthier. However, it sounds good when you post it with a Simpsons video.

No one likes the IRS, Cruz. No one. You’re not really pointing anything out, but by saying you want to abolish it, you sound utterly naïve. However, I’m sure you’ll get all your simple-minded followers to fall in lock-step, because they don’t know any better. No, literally, they don’t know any better. The rallying cry of “Boooo, taxes!” is not a hard one for people who don’t know any better to get behind.

Cruz later tweeted out an official statement regarding Tax Day:

“HOUSTON, Texas — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, released the following statement marking Tax Day:

“Tax day is upon us again. But this year it’s different. This year, on top of the frustrating reminder that Americans are giving too much of their income to fund too many wasteful government programs, families are now being forced to pay the Obamacare tax for the first time.

“Instead of government-run healthcare that increases taxes, limits options, and puts the government between patients and their doctors, imagine a free-market system that enables healthcare to be personal, portable and affordable. Instead of a tax code that crushes innovation and inflicts burdens on families struggling to make ends met, imagine a simple, flat tax that lets Americans fill out their taxes on a postcard. Imagine a tax code that is simple enough to abolish the IRS.

“More of Americans’ hard-earned wages should be able to stay in their wallets so they can be free to invest more in their families and businesses, not in growing big government.

“Tax reform is crucial to reversing our current economic stagnation, sparking economic growth, and expanding opportunity. I’m running for President because I believe that together, we can make D.C. listen, we can repeal Obamacare, we can implement fundamental tax reform, and we can restore our nation as a place that champions prosperity and opportunity for all.”

Let’s point out some glaring inaccuracies…

“Americans are giving too much of their income to fund too many wasteful government programs” — because really, who needs roads or schools or to pay Senators’ salaries.

What are some other “wasteful government programs’ our tax dollars make sure we have?

Social Security
United States Military
The National Guard
The VA
Fire Rescue
Making sure air is clean, water is drinkable, and food is edible
The Postal Service
G.I. Bill
Public Transportation
Flight safety
Patent Protection
FDIC insured bank deposits
Public Libraries
Infrastructure so the “free market” can thrive
Of course, those are just a few things of many more that our tax dollars pay for. However, I wonder if Cruz would want us to cut any of these things:

His salary
United States Military
Subsidies to the wealthy for the most absurd things
$8.6 million per day to Israel
Billions in oil subsidies per year
Billions in farm subsidies
The Obamacare HE SIGNED UP FOR — although, he probably makes enough thanks to our tax dollars that he doesn’t need subsidies himself
Ted Cruz definitely has a love-hate relationship with taxes.

When Cruz says, “Instead of government-run healthcare that increases taxes, limits options, and puts the government between patients and their doctors, imagine a free-market system that enables healthcare to be personal, portable and affordable.”

What the hell does he think Obamacare is? It’s ACCESS to the “free-market” system that he loves so dearly, and it’s not, by any means, “government-run.” It’s still the same health care system we had before just with a larger database where people can compare plans, sign up, and receive care at a more affordable cost because there’s increased visible competition.

“Obamacare” was even a conservative idea, it was what the Heritage Foundation used to combat “Hillarycare” in the early 90s.

Then when he says, “Tax reform is crucial to reversing our current economic stagnation, sparking economic growth, and expanding opportunity” – what the heck is he talking about?

We’ve just come back from a horrible recession due to conservative fiscal economic policy. Now,  unemployment is low, the stock market is high, and more people are entering the workforce as jobs come home. Why in the world would we want to go back to the same doomed conservative economic policy that we just crawled out of? Glutton for punishment? I’m really not certain which country Cruz is talking about here, because it’s certainly not the United States.

What does this statement prove about Senator Cruz? Not that he’s a champion for the American people, but rather that he has absolutely no clue how taxes work, what they are used for, or why we need them. Sure, we need to restructure the tax code… to stop giving the wealthy so many handouts, and give people at the bottom a chance to rise up, but what Cruz is talking about? Well, that’s just pure poppycock he’s hoping will capture the attention of other people who just don’t know any better either, and can be swayed by, “Booo taxes!”

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