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April 09, 2015

Don't choose war

Liberals warn Senate Dems on Iran: Don't choose war

By Burgess Everett

Liberal groups are pushing Senate Democratic leaders to deny Republicans a veto-proof majority on legislation that could potentially derail the nuclear agreement with Iran.

In an open letter to Democratic leaders obtained by POLITICO, progressive groups MoveOn, CREDO, Democracy for America, Daily Kos and USAction say that the left will fight back if Senate Democrats supply 13 or more votes for bills that allow congressional review of the nuclear framework reached last week or ratchet up sanctions on Iran. Both bills are opposed by President Barack Obama, and the liberal groups warn they will “hold accountable” Democrats who back them.

“Senate Democrats are now faced with a choice: Support President Obama’s diplomacy or vote with Republicans to potentially start a war with Iran. There is no third option,” the groups write. “A historic vote on a nuclear deal with Iran is coming. Like the 2002 vote to give President George W. Bush authorization to invade Iraq, Democrats who end up on the wrong side of it will have to answer for their decision for the rest of their careers.”

Republican leaders prefer the congressional review bill, which would establish a way for Congress to reject the deal, and it is set for a committee vote on Tuesday.

The letter is addressed to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, Minority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois, Democratic messaging chief Chuck Schumer of New York and Patty Murray of Washington. Other top Democratic senators on the letter are Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Mark Warner of Virginia and Jon Tester of Montana.

Most leaders have stayed away from supporting the Iran bills, though Schumer and Warner have signaled support for both the congressional review bill and the sanctions bills, and Tester supported the sanctions bill in committee. Democrats supportive of the Iran bills say their backing isn’t tantamount to rejecting Obama’s Iran deal but simply establishes a mechanism for congressional review. And Democrats have repeatedly delayed supporting the bill on the Senate floor to give the White House more time to negotiate.

But progressives say it’s a major risk for Democrats to establish a congressional review process that could allow Congress to eventually reject Obama’s hard-fought nuclear deal.

“We urge you to support the diplomatic process, and ensure that Democrats don’t deliver the Republicans the votes they need to override a presidential veto of diplomacy-killing legislation and begin yet another war of choice in the Middle East,” the liberal groups wrote to leadership.

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