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September 09, 2024

Government shutdown?

Congress returns to Washington for a three-week preelection sprint

Avoiding a government shutdown remains the biggest item on the to-do list before this fall's elections.

Anthony Adragna

Lawmakers are fully back in Washington for the first time in more than a month with a familiar dilemma: Ducking a government shutdown weeks away from a pivotal election.

House Republicans will tee up their opening offer — an extension of funds until March 28 that also includes a provision requiring proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections — during a 4 p.m. meeting of the Rules Committee on Monday ahead of expected floor action later this week.

But Democrats have already made clear their opposition to the approach. "A six-month continuing resolution hurts veterans, the military, disaster assistance, and domestic investments," said House Appropriations ranking member Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) upon the measure's introduction.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer echoed that sentiment in a dear colleague letter released Sunday, indicating the spending patch should not include "poison pills or Republican extremism."

What else is on the to-do list: In non-spending matters in the House, Republicans will be moving a number of China-related bills this week. Meanwhile, the Senate continues to press ahead on judge confirmation votes, with one scheduled Monday and another later in the week.

One other thing to watch: The Senate should be returning to full strength once again with the swearing in of Sen.-designee George Helmy (D-N.J.). He'll replace former Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), who resigned after his conviction on federal corruption charges.

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