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September 15, 2023

Show the evidence.... Oh yea, there is none......... Orangutan? Tons of evidence......

‘They did it to me': Trump says Biden impeachment inquiry might be motivated by revenge

Trump told former Fox and NBC host Megyn Kelly that GOP attempts to indict Joe Biden could be next.


Former President Donald Trump has “no idea” whether Republicans will vote to impeach President Joe Biden.

But he does have a theory on what motivated House Republicans to launch a Biden impeachment inquiry: revenge.

“They did it to me,” Trump told former Fox and NBC host Megyn Kelly during an hourlong interview on SiriusXM radio that aired Thursday. “And had they not done it to me, I think, and nobody officially said this, but I think had they not done it to me … perhaps you wouldn’t have it being done to them.”

Democrats twice led the charge in impeaching Trump, first on charges of abusing his power and obstructing congressional investigations and later for “incitement of insurrection,” following the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Trump was acquitted by the Senate both times.

On Tuesday, Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced the decision to open an impeachment inquiry into Biden over allegations of bribery and corruption. Some Republicans have said there is a lack of smoking-gun evidence linking Biden to money his son Hunter received from Ukraine and China.

In the interview with Kelly, Trump warned that attempts from the GOP to indict Biden could be next.

“This is going to happen with indictments, too,” said Trump, who is facing dozens of charges across four indictments, including two at the federal level.

“They’re fake indictments,” Trump said of his own legal challenges. “And I think you’re going to see that as time goes by, you’re going to see Republicans when they’re in power, doing it. And it’s a shame when that happens. I’m not in favor of that, but that’s what’s going to happen because that’s human nature.”

The interview with Kelly is the first time the two have sat down publicly since 2016, after a heated exchange during a Republican presidential debate set off a long-lasting feud, fueled by remarks Trump made following the debate saying Kelly had blood “coming out of her wherever.”

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